I have no idea how long it will take me to get through the entire redneck vocabulary, so I urge you to check back to see if I've posted more of this absolutely-useless information. I would, however, like to say that everything I share with you here, I learned first-hand from genuine rednecks. Here's some more redneck jargon you might enjoy:
Genius - "Sugarbuns, why don't you wear them genius wearing yesterday?"
Heartily - "You can't heartily tell from behind that they ain't buttoned."
Benign - "Leon's little girl is in the first grade; hard to believe she'll benign."
Toupee - "If Dorothy Ann gets her way, he's gonna have toupee her $85 a month in child support!"
Fixture - "I can't believe you won't pour me a beer after I fixture toilet!"
Custom - "If that guy had stared at MY wife's butt, I woulda custom out!"
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